Hollywood star Christian Slater told Reuters, "You could hear a pin drop in the auditorium when 17-year-old Radcliffe performed his naked scene with actress Joanna Christie, who plays his girlfriend. ''It is an incredible part for a young actor. He is taking a big risk,'' British actor Richard E. Grant said. Not since Nicole Kidman bared all in ''The Blue Room'' in 1998 and was hailed as ''pure theatrical Viagra'' has so much hype greeted stage nudity in London with publicity photos of Radcliffe helping to ensure two million pounds in advance sales. Pottermania struck at the stage door with fans clamouring for autographs at performances of Peter Shaffer's play, first produced in 1973.
Henry Radcliffe & Joanna Christiein The Equus The Harry Potter star, Radcliffe, 17, puffs on a cigarette during a special performance of his new show, Equus, the Daily Mail newspaper reports. Amanda Sandford from anti-smoking organisation ASH, said: "It is regrettable that he is smoking, whatever the circumstances. He is a role model for young people and if he decided to take up smoking in real life that would be of great concern," the paper reported. Radcliffe could be putting his health at risk, she claimed. "Even though it is an act, nicotine is highly addictive and he could find himself hooked," Mrs Sandford said.

Griffiths said of Radcliffe's performance ''You keep forgetting he is only 17. He handles himself with such aplomb.'' However one famous face was missing on opening night -- JK Rowling, author of the Potter books that became a global publishing phenomenon before being turned into box office hits. But Radcliffe said ''She is is coming to see it at some point. I don't think she objected in any way. She was very happy to see me going off and doing something else." With the play due to open on Tuesday, the other talking point to emerge from the show's previews has been the first signs of facial hair on the baby-faced actor. He was photographed leaving the theatre, sporting the first signs of a beard.
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