Rob Littell, one of Kennedy’s closest pals from Brown University, tells author C. David Heymann in "American Legacy" that the scion of the Kennedy family and Madonna had been indulging in a flirtation that they had finally decided to take to the next level during the summer of 1988.
At the time, Madge was still married to first hubby Sean Penn, and Kennedy had a steady girlfriend.
However, all plans for a passionate romp at a "cheap, dinky" Chicago hotel came to a grinding halt when the two realised that they were not carrying any condoms.
"They were working their way around the bases, and as they rounded third and headed for home, she asked him if he had any protection. He didn't, so now they began discussing how they were going to get a hold of a prophylactic," the New York Post quoted Littell, as telling Heymann in the book.
"She was still legally married to Sean Penn, and he had a steady girlfriend . . . They were afraid of being busted. They couldn't very well just meander into a pharmacy and ask for a pack of Trojans. They were too well known"
And, with that one chance, it seems that JFK Jr also lost out on bedding the famous music icon.
"To John's great chagrin, the relationship was never completed," Littell adds.
The biography also claims that the charismatic JFK Jr was also as interested in men, as he was in women.
"He confided - and I believed him - that he'd had several flings with men,” says French physical therapist Jean Christian Massard, who went clubbing with JFK Jr. in the late '80s.
"I know he was attracted to me because when we danced he played with my a - - and stuff. He kissed me on the dance floor, and I kissed him back," adds transsexual Warhol superstar Holly Woodlawn, who met Kennedy at Studio 54.
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